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Help Us to Serve and Grow

All public libraries depend upon the financial support of businesses and individuals in the community to supplement the income received from local and state government.  The Community Library of the Shenango Valley is no exception. 

While supported by the cities of Sharon, Hermitage, and Farrell, the library is also supported through the gifts of many generous donors.

Please use the Donate button above to donate to the library using PayPal, a credit card, or a debit card.


Other ways to donate to the library include:

Amazon Smile




AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice. So we ask that if you are going to shop on Amazon please use the AmazonSmile and choose us as your organization of choice.

Memorial/Honorary Gifts
The library invites you to consider donating money to purchase a book as a meaningful way to remember a person, group, occasion or milestone.  Your gift will serve not only as a lasting tribute to the person or group you wish to honor, but will enhance the quality of life in our community.  Contributions help the library purchase books for the benefit of area readers. Each book bears a plate inscribed with the name of the person being honored as well as the name of the donor.  The library will send a card in your name to the family of the honoree.  The amount of the gift will not be disclosed.  Another card will be sent to you acknowledging your tax-deductible gift.   Printable Memorial/Honor donation form.

Gently Used Materials
The library takes donations of gently used books, videos, magazines, and audio books.  The materials may be added to our collection or given to our Friends of the Library group to be sold during Book Sales.  Please remember that the library can only use materials in good condition and we do not have adequate facilities to discard materials that are in very poor condition. We cannot take textbooks or encyclopedias. 

Library Growth Fund
One - Three Year Pledge: 
With your monetary donation now and pledge for the future, the Library will be able to maintain and enhance our programs, collections, and technology for all community members. Please complete the Library Pledge Card and mail it to the library along with your donation. Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.   

Leave a Legacy
Please remember the library in your will or trust.

© 2018 by Community Library of the Shenango Valley

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